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March 25, 2024

Prostate Cancer Battle Unites Father and Son

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Greg could see his 90-year-old father Ray’s health was going downhill fast. Ray’s stage 4 prostate cancer stopped responding to treatment and had metastasized throughout his body.

“We figured he had about nine months to live,” Greg said. “We needed a miracle.” Greg began researching possible treatments. He knew it would be extremely difficult for his father to endure chemotherapy at his age, but very few options existed.

“I heard about radioligand therapy and started looking at where it was being administered,” Greg explained. “I finally found a clinical trial for the drug that didn’t require chemotherapy and saw BAMF Health had a program.”

Greg immediately shared the information with Ray, who had one simple question, “Do you think this can get me another birthday?” And Greg said, “Yes.”

Ray celebrated his 91st birthday in February of 2024.

Hope Through Clinical Trials

Ray began clinical trial treatment in July of 2023. The trial involves targeted molecular infusion therapy along with follow-up scans.

Our clinical trial platform at BAMF Health allows patients like Ray to not only receive treatment but also be part of something bigger than themselves. They’re part of research that may one day bring new therapies to patients in need.

“Clinical trial participation is imperative in advancing current treatment options and improving outcomes,” said BAMF Health Clinical Trials Nursing Supervisor Clay McNamara. “Patients’ willingness to participate provides them with hope and an alternative therapy option.”

Dr. Brandon Mancini is the principal investigator for the clinical trial and oversaw Ray’s care. Together they discussed labs, his response to treatment, and scan results throughout the trial. Dr. Mancini says every conversation with Ray ended with a smile and a full heart.

“My interactions with Ray were so fun and uplifting,” he said. “Ray is incredibly optimistic and kind with an energy and appreciation for life that is second to none. He is inspirational and an endless joy to be around.”

“The team at BAMF always took the time to explain details to my dad in a way he would understand,” Greg said. “They went above and beyond to answer his questions and really listened.”

One of those team members is Clinical Research Nurse Jen Hoseth. “Ray brings such joy to the BAMF Health team,” she said. “From the minute he walks in the door he spreads laughter and wisdom throughout. He has truly enriched our lives.”

Ray shared his excitement about how he has tolerated and responded to the clinical trial drug.

A Special Bond Between Father and Son

Greg stood by Ray’s side throughout his entire cancer journey and brought him to every single appointment. It’s a journey he knows firsthand. In 2014, Greg faced his own prostate cancer diagnosis.

“I knew what my father was going through because I went through the same thing,” Greg shared. “We were both told our cancer had metastasized, and both had the same fear that it would take our life. But I could tell him there was hope.”

Greg’s diagnosis came four years before his father’s, giving him perspectives and knowledge he could share. Dr. Mancini says caregiver support like Greg’s is essential if patients want to have the best treatment outcome possible.

“You can clearly observe that Ray and Greg have a unique and special bond and love for one another. The whole BAMF Health team is grateful for the amazing family and friends we have the privilege of interacting with every day.”

Ray says he lives a normal life these days. At his senior living center, he plays pool and bingo and even lifts weights. He also finds joy as a greeter at his church and spending time with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

“I have a whole new lease on life,” he said. “I know I’m old, but I’m living a full life at 91 and I couldn’t ask for more. I can’t stop saying good things about BAMF. I know I’m in good hands here and feel well taken care of. They always answer my questions, and everyone is very thorough. I’m 110% satisfied.”

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